Most suitable fertility treatment where severe male infertility issues are present. This medication gives the sperm a head start, but the sperm must still reach and fertilise the egg on their own. When compared to IVF, this approach is less intrusive and less costly.
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is a method of treating infertility in which sperm is implanted into a woman’s uterus to aid conception. IUI Treatment main goal is to increase the amount of sperm that enters the fallopian tubes, increasing the chances of conception.
This medication gives the sperm a head start, but the sperm must still reach and fertilise the egg on their own. When compared to IVF, this approach is less intrusive and less costly.

IUI is often indicated for couples who have unexplained infertility, male factor infertility such as low sperm count or poor sperm motility, or couples who use donor sperm. This process is straightforward and may be divided into three key steps:
- The fertile period is determined by tracking ovulation.
- Semen collection and washing
- After Sperm wash IUI performed without Anesthesia. You should require to stay 15 min after procedure
For you, IUI may be the best treatment option. When a woman is fertile but cannot become pregnant with conventional intercourse, UI is utilised. It is appropriate for a variety of patient types, including:
When the probable cause is:
- Oligospermia – a reduced sperm count of the male partner.
- Poor movement or motility of the male partner’s sperm, IUI is a good first treatment option for many couples who have been unable to achieve a pregnancy through normal intercourse for a period of 12 months or more.